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"If I'm occasionally a little over-dressed, I make up for it by being immensely over-educated." Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest.
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List sorted by date (latest review first):

(sort by title)
by Peter Flinsch
Peter Flinsch: The Body In Question
by Michael Breyette, Carlos García, Xavier Gicquel, HvH, Mioki, P239, François Peneaud, Joe Phillips
Stripped: Uncensored
by Douglas Simonson
Brush and Camera
by Piepke
Shoot Your Slut #1
by Kris Dresen
by Sean-Z
Myth #1
by Various
Gay Erotic Art in Japan Vol. 1-2
by Massimo Fenati
Gus and Waldo
by Steve MacIsaac, Fuzzbelly, Justin Hall
Shirtlifter #3
by J.C. Leyendecker
J.C. Leyendecker
by Benoît Prévot, Butch McLogic
Angelface #1 and Tug Harder #1
by Maurice Vellekoop
Maurice Vellekoop's Pin-Ups
by Anneli Furmark
by Jörg Meyer-Bothling
Micki: Prisoners of Passion
by K.D. Boze, Stasia Kato
The Virgin Project
by Yirmi Pinkus, Itzik Rennert
How to Love and Yirmi Pinkus
by Various artists
Prism Comics 2008
by Hee Jung Park
Martin & John #1
by HvH
Gone to the Movies
by Hugues Barthe
French gay BD (3): Hugues Barthe
by Patrick Fillion, Logan
Deimos #1
by François Peneaud, Carlos García
Brother to Dragons #1
by P239
Daydream: Porn*Pops
by Harry Bush
Hard Boys
by Various artists
Dirty Little Drawings
by Steve MacIsaac
Shirtlifter #2
by Kris Dresen
every part of you is familiar to me
by Ian Hanks
Aegean Tales
by HvH
In the Blink of an Eye #1
by Andy Hartzell
Fox Bunny Funny
by J. Torres, Steve Rolston
Degrassi: Extra Credit #4
by Trejaan, WerePuppy
Rocketship Rodents
by Various artists
Gay Art
by Roger Payne
by Jiraiya
The Art of Jiraiya
by Sean McGrath, Juan Romera
Frater Mine
by Joe Phillips
Boys Will Be Boys Extended Edition
by Michael Breyette
Summer Moved On
by Ross Campbell
Wet Moon
by HVH
The Art of HVH
by Mark Gatiss & Ian Bass
The Vesuvius Club Graphic Edition
by Donna Barr
Desert Peach: Afterdead
by Studio Kôsen
by Logan
The Pornomicon
by Logan
Porky #1
by Emmanuel Lepage
French gay BD (2): Muchacho
by Nunzio De Filippis, Christina Weir, José Garibaldi
Maria's Wedding
by Robert Kirby, David Kelly, Michael Fahy, Craig Bostick, Tony Arena, Jaime Cortez, Justin Hall, Andy Hartzell, Brett Hopkins, Sina, Steve MacIsaac
The Book of Boy Trouble
by Robert Richards
by David Shenton
Stanley and the mask of mystery
by Tom Bouden, Michael Breyette, Dave Davenport, Justin Hall, Ian Hanks, Glen Hanson, Ralf König, Logan, Steve Maclsaac, Joe Phillips, Brad Rader, David Shenton
by Tom Roberts & Ken Roberts
Homo Patrol
by Alan Moore & Melinda Gebbie
Lost Girls
by Matt Madden
Odds Off
by Maurice Vellekoop
A Nut at the Opera
by Christina Weir, Nunzio Defilippis, Christopher Mitten
Past Lies
by Xavier Gicquel
Rough N' Queeny
by Joe Phillips
Cali Boys
by Jaime Cortez
by Diana R. Sassé
Antique White House
by Justin Hall, Erika Moen, Chuck McKinney, Leanne Franson, Randall Kirby, Dave Davenport, Page Braddock, Patrick Fillion, Robert Kirby, Dale Lazarov & Steve MacIsaac, Chris Companik, Erik Orner
Unsafe for All Ages 2005
by Colleen Doran
A Distant Soil Volume IV
by Patrick Fillion
Tina's reviews: Camili-Cat 20th Anniversary
by Batton Lash
Batton Lash's creatures comfort
by Yamila Abraham & Studio Kosaru
Pinned! vol. 1
by John Smith, Colin MacNeil, Steve Yeowell
Devlin Waugh: Red Tide
by Jame Delano, Frank Quitely, Warren Pleece, James Romberger
2020 Visions
by Alan Moore & Gene Ha
Top Ten: The Forty-Niners
by Yuzuha Ougi
Tina's reviews: Brother
by Insanity Team
Tina's reviews: Prisoner of the Immortal
by Sean
A Sean interview
by Tricia, Mia V
Tina's reviews: Revenge is Sweet
by Mink, Pluto
Tina's reviews: Kit Fancy: Nemesis
by Christina Hanson, Frank Gembeck
Anubis #2
by John Smith, Sean Phillips, Siku, Michael Gaydos
Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
by Justin Hall
True Travel Tales #4: 'Seven Balloons'
by Justin Hall
Justin Hall's Only In San Francisco
by Various artists
2 Books on Pre-Stonewall gay art
by Clive Barker, P. Craig Russell, John Bolton & Bo Hampton
Clive Barker's Tapping The Vein
by Hugues Barthe, Copi, Cunéo, Annie Goetzinger, Jean-Paul Jennequin, Fabrice Neaud & Tito
French gay BD (1)
by Jaime Hernandez & Gilbert Hernandez
by Christina Hanson
Liberty From Hell #1-3
by Alan Moore & José Villarrubia
The Mirror of Love
by Sam Kieth
Sam Kieth's Zero Girl
by Howard Zimmerman & John Severin
Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather
by Howard Cruse
Howard Cruse's Swimmer
by Scott M. Gimple, Bill Morrison & Pia Guerra
Heroes Anonymous #2
by Barbara Lien-Cooper & Ryan Howe
Gun Street Girl
by Grek Rucka & Michael Lark
Gotham Central: Half a Life
by Michel Lacombe
One Bloody Year
by Eric Shanower
Age of Bronze
by Paul Hornschemeier
Paul Hornschemeier's comics
by Ragnar Brynjúlfsson
Ragnar Brynjúlfsson's comics
by Greg Fox
Kyle's Bed & Breakfast
by Robert Rodi & Various artists
Codename: Knockout
Adam & Andy
by Page Braddock
Jane's World
I Married an Earthling
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