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"If I'd known we were dating, I'd have been a nervous wreck!" Howard Cruse, Wendel All Together.
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June 19, 2010: I've launched a new version of this website as a Wordpress blog. This version won't be updated anymore.
If you don't see the images of a review, it means that I've transferred it to the new site.

Site map

Reviews sorted by author's last name:


Yamila Abraham:
         - Pinned! vol. 1
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Rahne Alexander:
         - Tranzilla
Brian Andersen:
         - So Super Duper
         - So Super Duper #2
         - So Super Duper #3
         - So Super Duper #4
         - So Super Duper #5
         - So Super Duper #6
         - So Super Duper #7
         - So Super Duper #8
         - So Super Duper #9
         - So Super Duper online and free
Tony Arena:
         - Boy Trouble #5
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
James Asal:
         - Adam & Andy
Umeka Asayuki:
         - The Golden Vine
Chayne Avery:
         - Boy Meets Hero
         - Blue Comet and Fusion #1
         - Boy Meets Hero, the new stories
Liz Baillie:
         - My Brain Hurts Vol. 1
         - My Brain Hurts Vol. 2
Theo Bain:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Tim Barela:
         - Leonard & Larry
         - Leonard & Larry fourth book
Clive Barker:
         - Human Remains
         - Clive Barker's Tapping The Vein
Mark Barnard:
         - Havoc Inc.
Donna Barr:
         - The Desert Peach
         - Desert Peach: Afterdead
         - Desert Peach #32
         - The Desert Peach: Afterdead #1.3
         - The Desert Peach: Afterdead 1.2
         - The Desert Peach #31
John Barrett:
         - Genus Male
Hugues Barthe:
         - French gay BD (1)
         - French gay BD (3): Hugues Barthe
Ian Bass:
         - The Vesuvius Club Graphic Edition
Alison Bechdel:
         - Fun Home
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - The Dog's Days of Summer
Ken Boesem:
         - 1918 - an epidemic
John Bolton:
         - User
         - Clive Barker's Tapping The Vein
Craig Bostick:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Boy Trouble #5
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Tom Bouden:
         - In Bed with David & Jonathan
         - Max & Sven
         - Queerville
         - The Importance of being Earnest
         - Stripped
Adam Bourret:
         - I'm Crazy
K.D. Boze:
         - The Virgin Project
Paige Braddock:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Page Braddock:
         - Jane's World
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
Tom Brass:
         - Moochowski
Michael Breyette:
         - Stripped: Uncensored
         - Stripped
         - Summer Moved On
Mark Brill:
         - The Mark of Aeacus
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Brian Brinlee:
         - Queerbait
Ragnar Brynjúlfsson:
         - Ragnar Brynjúlfsson's comics
Harry Bush:
         - Hard Boys
Ross Campbell:
         - Wet Moon
Jennifer Camper:
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - Rude Girls and Dangerous Women
         - subGURLZ
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Boy Trouble #5
René Capone:
         - Legend of Hedgehog Boy
Charles Christensen:
         - The Mark of Aeacus
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Amy Colburn:
         - Manly
Chris Companik:
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
Dennis Cooper:
         - Horror Hospital Unplugged
         - French gay BD (1)
Jaime Cortez:
         - Sexile
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
Tristan Crane:
         - how loathsome
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Howard Cruse:
         - From Headrack to Claude
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - Stuck Rubber Baby
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Wendel All Together
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - An interview with Howard Cruse, and a new cover
         - Howard Cruse's Swimmer
         - Howard Cruse's new strip
Kyle Cummings:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - French gay BD (1)
Dave Davenport:
         - Hard to Swallow
         - Hard to Swallow #2
         - Hard to Swallow #3-4
         - Stripped
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
Adam DeKracker:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Uppers & Downers
         - J.C. Leyendecker
Nunzio Defilippis:
         - Past Lies
Jame Delano:
         - 2020 Visions
Samuel R. Delany:
         - Bread & Wine
Lynx Delirium:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Chrissy Delk:
         - Paintings of You
Abby Denson:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Tough Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Michael Derry:
         - Troy From 1 to 100
Diane DiMassa:
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
Michael DiMotta:
         - Beauty & the Beast
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Steve Domanski:
         - Circles
         - Circles #4
         - Circles #5&6
Colleen Doran:
         - A Distant Soil serialized online
         - A Distant Soil Volume IV
Kris Dresen:
         - Max & Lily
         - every part of you is familiar to me
         - Grace
         - Turnover
         - Hard to Swallow #3-4
Jamaica Dyer:
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Martin Eden:
         - Spandex
Dylan Edwards:
         - Politically InQueerect
         - Politically InQueerect #2
Will Eisner:
         - Last Day in Vietnam: 'A Purple Heart for George'
Nicholas Eliopoulos:
         - Queerbait
Scott Fabianek:
         - Circles
         - Circles #4
         - Circles #5&6
Matt Fagan:
         - Love
         - Love #2
         - Love #3
         - Love #4
         - The Love book
Michael Fahy:
         - Boy Trouble
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Boy Trouble #5
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
Duncan Fegredo:
         - Enigma
Massimo Fenati:
         - Gus and Waldo
Nunzio De Filippis:
         - Maria's Wedding
Patrick Fillion:
         - Patrick Fillion's comics
         - Deimos #1
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
         - Tina's reviews: Camili-Cat 20th Anniversary
Tom of Finland:
         - Tom of Finland: The Comic Collection
         - Taschen to collect Tom of Finland comics
Tim Fish:
         - Love is the reason
         - Meet Me in Saint Louie
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - The Cavalcade of Boys
         - Trust/Truth
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love: My Gay Romance
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Uppers & Downers
         - Cavalcade of Boys # 7 & 8
         - Cavalcade of Boys #6
         - Cavalcade of Boys in one volume
         - Strugglers
         - The Cavalcade of Boys #9
         - Tim Fish at Marvel
         - Tim Fish's new comics
Peter Flinsch:
         - Peter Flinsch: The Body In Question
Greg Fox:
         - Kyle's Bed & Breakfast
         - Kyle's Bed & Breakfast
Leanne Franson:
         - Boy Trouble
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - Liliane, Bi-Dyke
         - Boy Trouble #5
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
Andrew French:
         - Circles
         - Circles #4
         - Circles #5&6
Anneli Furmark:
         - Inland
         - Shirtlifter #3
Monica Gallagher:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Simon Gane:
         - Paris
Russell Garcia:
         - Boy Meets Hero
         - Blue Comet and Fusion #1
         - Boy Meets Hero, the new stories
Carlos García:
         - Brother to Dragons #1
         - Stripped: Uncensored
José Garibaldi:
         - Maria's Wedding
Mark Gatiss:
         - The Vesuvius Club Graphic Edition
Michael Gaydos:
         - Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
Melinda Gebbie:
         - Lost Girls
Frank Gembeck:
         - Anubis #2
         - The Magic If
Xavier Gicquel:
         - Rough N' Queeny
         - Stripped: Uncensored
Scott M. Gimple:
         - Heroes Anonymous #2
Jim Gladstone:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Uppers & Downers
Annie Goetzinger:
         - French gay BD (1)
Filipe Goncalves:
         - Queerbait
Phil Good:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Devin Grayson:
         - Flinch #7: 'Parade'
         - User
Gary Gregerson:
         - Turnover
Pia Guerra:
         - Heroes Anonymous #2
Ariel Guzman:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Gone to the Movies
         - In the Blink of an Eye #1
         - Stripped: Uncensored
         - The Art of HVH
Gene Ha:
         - Top Ten: The Forty-Niners
Justin Hall:
         - A Sacred Text
         - Hard to Swallow
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - True Travel Tales #1: 'Oh, Mighty Isis!'
         - True Travel Tales #2: 'A Final Goodbye'
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Hard to Swallow #2
         - Hard to Swallow #3-4
         - Shirtlifter #3
         - Stripped
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
         - True Travel Tales: Tsunami
         - True Travel Tales #4: 'Seven Balloons'
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
         - Justin Hall's Only In San Francisco
Bo Hampton:
         - Clive Barker's Tapping The Vein
Ian Hanks:
         - Aegean Tales
         - Stripped
Glen Hanson:
         - Chelsea Boys
         - Turnover
         - Chelsea Boys: Steppin' Out
         - Stripped
Christina Hanson:
         - Anubis #2
         - Dangerous #2
         - Dangerous v.1 #3-v2. #2
         - Liberty From Hell #1-3
         - Liberty From Hell #4
         - Liberty From Hell #5
         - Liberty from Hell #6
Andy Hartzell:
         - Boy Trouble
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Boy Trouble #5
         - Fox Bunny Funny
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
Patrick "Pato" Hebert:
         - Turnover
Celina Hernandez:
         - So Super Duper #9
Jaime Hernandez:
         - Locas
Gilbert Hernandez:
         - Locas
Joan Hilty:
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
Victor Hodge:
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Victor E. Hodge:
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Turnover
Brett Hopkins:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Spotlight on Brett Hopkins
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Sweet Dreams
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
Paul Hornschemeier:
         - Paul Hornschemeier's comics
Ryan Howe:
         - Gun Street Girl
         - Gone to the Movies
         - In the Blink of an Eye #1
         - Stripped: Uncensored
         - The Art of HVH
Ryoichi Ikegami:
         - An Ikegami gallery
Jeff Jacklin:
         - Hearts & Iron
Colter Jacobsen:
         - Turnover
Jean-Paul Jennequin:
         - French gay BD (1)
Phil Jimenez:
         - Flinch #7: 'Parade'
         - Heartthrobs #1: 'Genes and a T-shirt'
         - The Art of Jiraiya
Bastian Jonsson:
         - Nightlife
Nate and Mike K:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Sweet Dreams
Gina Kamentsky:
         - T-Gina
         - T-Gina #2
Stasia Kato:
         - The Virgin Project
David Kelly:
         - Boy Trouble
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - Steven's Comics
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Boy Trouble #5
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Sam Kieth:
         - Sam Kieth's Zero Girl
June Kim:
         - 12 Days
Robert Kirby:
         - Boy Trouble
         - Curbside
         - Curbside Boys
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Boy Trouble #5
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
         - A strip by Robert Kirby
Randall Kirby:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
Studio Kosaru:
         - Pinned! vol. 1
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Jeff Krell:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Jayson collected, and a new König book
         - Jayson collected, and a new König book... again
Henry Kujawa:
         - Queerbait
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
Studio Kôsen:
         - Stallion
Ralf König:
         - Bull's Balls
         - Roy & Al
         - The Killer Condom
         - Jayson collected, and a new König book
         - Jayson collected, and a new König book... again
         - Stripped
Michel Lacombe:
         - One Bloody Year
Agata Laguniak:
         - Queerbait
Jay Laird:
         - Tales from the Burning Village
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Spotlight on Brett Hopkins
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Uppers & Downers
Michael Lark:
         - Gotham Central: Half a Life
Batton Lash:
         - Batton Lash's creatures comfort
Jack Lawrence:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Dale Lazarov:
         - Manly
         - Nightlife
         - Sticky
         - Sticky #2
         - Sticky #3
         - Sticky interview
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
         - The Sticky collection
Nick Leonard:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
Emmanuel Lepage:
         - French gay BD (2): Muchacho
Adam Leveille:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
J.C. Leyendecker:
         - J.C. Leyendecker
Barbara Lien-Cooper:
         - Gun Street Girl
Gregory Lockard:
         - Beauty & the Beast
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Deimos #1
         - Porky #1
         - Porky #2
         - Stripped
         - The Pornomicon
Stephen Lowther:
         - Prime Cuts
Ed Luce:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
Jason Guillermo Luz:
         - Turnover
Fabián Álvarez López:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Steve MacIsaac:
         - Queerbait
         - Shirtlifter
         - Sticky
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Turnover
         - Hard to Swallow #2
         - Shirtlifter #2
         - Shirtlifter #3
         - Sticky #2
         - Sticky #3
         - Sticky interview
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
         - The Sticky collection
Colin MacNeil:
         - Devlin Waugh: Red Tide
Steve Maclsaac:
         - Stripped
Jon Macy:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - So Super Duper #6
         - So Super Duper #8
Matt Madden:
         - Odds Off
Ted Manning:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Keith Mayerson:
         - Horror Hospital Unplugged
Daria McGrain:
         - Dangerous
         - Genus Male
         - Sexual Espionage
         - Genus Male #3
Sean McGrath:
         - Frater Mine
         - Frater Mine #5
         - Frater Mine #6-7
Pat McGreal:
         - Chiaroscuro: the Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci
Craig McKenney:
         - The Magic If
Chris McKinley:
         - Associated Student Bodies
         - Spooo presents #1: Coyote River
         - Spooo presents #4: Coyote River
Chuck McKinney:
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
Butch McLogic:
         - Angelface #1 and Tug Harder #1
Jen Van Meter:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Jörg Meyer-Bothling:
         - Micki: Sighs in the Desert
         - Micki: Prisoners of Passion
         - Micki: Prisoners of Passion now in book form
Noel Miciano:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Rachel Millar:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Peter Milligan:
         - Enigma
         - Tina's reviews: Kit Fancy: Nemesis
         - Side by Side
         - Stripped: Uncensored
Christopher Mitten:
         - Past Lies
         - Genus Male
         - Sexual Espionage
Seijuro Mizu:
         - The Golden Vine
Erika Moen:
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
Alan Moore:
         - Promethea #7
         - Lost Girls
         - The Mirror of Love
         - Top Ten: The Forty-Niners
Richard Moore:
         - Genus Male
Bill Morrison:
         - Heroes Anonymous #2
Frank Muse:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Ted Naifeh:
         - how loathsome
Kiriko Nananan:
         - Blue
Fabrice Neaud:
         - French gay BD (1)
Yayoi Neko:
         - Incubus
         - Incubus #2
         - Incubus #3
Allan Neuwirth:
         - Chelsea Boys
         - Turnover
         - Chelsea Boys: Steppin' Out
Erik Orner:
         - Unsafe for All Ages 2005
Dave Ortega:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Yuzuha Ougi:
         - Tina's reviews: Brother
         - Daydream: Porn*Pops
         - Stripped: Uncensored
Mia Paluzzi:
         - Paintings of You
Hee Jung Park:
         - Martin & John #1
Roger Payne:
         - Roger
François Peneaud:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Sweet Dreams
         - Brother to Dragons #1
         - Stripped: Uncensored
Joe Phillips:
         - Adventures of a Joe Boy
         - Tales from the House of Morecock Vol. 1
         - Boys Will Be Boys Extended Edition
         - Cali Boys
         - Stripped: Uncensored
         - Stripped
         - Tales from The House of Morecock Volume 2
Sean Phillips:
         - User
         - Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
Shaun Piela:
         - Pride High #5
         - Shoot Your Slut #1
Yirmi Pinkus:
         - How to Love and Yirmi Pinkus
Tim Piotrowski:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Warren Pleece:
         - 2020 Visions
         - Tina's reviews: Kit Fancy: Nemesis
Lindsay Pollock:
         - Moochowski
Brian Ponce:
         - Pride High
         - Pride High #3
         - Pride High #4
Nicolas Presl:
         - Priape
Benoît Prévot:
         - Angelface #1 and Tug Harder #1
Pat Pungpee:
         - Pride High #6-7
Frank Quitely:
         - 2020 Visions
Brad Rader:
         - Harry and Dickless Tom
         - True Adult Fantasy
         - Hard to Swallow #3-4
         - Stripped
         - Unsafe for All Ages #2
David Rawson:
         - Chiaroscuro: the Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci
Itzik Rennert:
         - How to Love and Yirmi Pinkus
Robert Richards:
         - Allure
Robert Rivera:
         - Pride High #6-7
         - Steady Beat
Tom Roberts:
         - Homo Patrol
Ken Roberts:
         - Homo Patrol
Tommy Roddy:
         - Pride High
         - Pride High #3
         - Pride High #4
         - Pride High #5
         - Pride High #6-7
Robert Rodi:
         - Heartthrobs #1: 'Genes and a T-shirt'
         - Codename: Knockout
Steve Rolston:
         - Degrassi: Extra Credit #4
Dave Roman:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
James Romberger:
         - Seven Miles a Second
         - 2020 Visions
Juan Romera:
         - Frater Mine
         - Frater Mine #5
         - Frater Mine #6-7
Bill Roundy:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Richard Ruane:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Spotlight on Brett Hopkins
         - Young Bottoms in Love: Sweet Dreams
Grek Rucka:
         - Gotham Central: Half a Life
Lance Rund:
         - Associated Student Bodies
Matt Runkle:
         - Runx Tales #1
         - Runx Tales #2
P. Craig Russell:
         - Human Remains
         - Clive Barker's Tapping The Vein
Stephen Sadowski:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Diana R. Sassé:
         - Antique White House
Joey Alison Sayers:
         - Just So You Know
Lawrence Schimel:
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - Vacation in Ibiza
Martin Schneebalg:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Ariel Schrag:
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - User
         - Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
         - Frater Mine
         - Frater Mine #5
         - Frater Mine #6-7
         - Myth #1
         - A Sean interview
         - Myth #1
         - Vacation in Ibiza
Jai Sen:
         - The Golden Vine
John Severin:
         - Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather
         - Within Our Reach: 'Home for Christmas'
Sina Shamsavari:
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
Eric Shanower:
         - Within Our Reach: 'Home for Christmas'
         - Age of Bronze
David Shenton:
         - Get Her!
         - Stanley and the mask of mystery
         - Stripped
BiL Sherman:
         - Hard to Swallow
         - Wanky Comics
         - Wanky Comics #2
         - Wanky Comics #3
Melody Nadia Shickley:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
         - Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
Douglas Simonson:
         - Brush and Camera
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
         - The Book of Boy Trouble
Terrie Smith:
         - Havoc Inc.
John Smith:
         - Devlin Waugh: Red Tide
         - Devlin Waugh: Swimming in Blood
Tony Smith:
         - Queerbait
         - So Super Duper #6
Gordon Spurlock:
         - Gordon Spurlock's comics
Howard Stangroom:
         - Prime Cuts
Andy Swist:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Rica Takashima:
         - Rica `tte Kanji!?
         - Yuri Monogatari
Mariko Tamaki:
         - Skim
Jillian Tamaki:
         - Skim
Insanity Team:
         - Tina's reviews: Prisoner of the Immortal
         - French gay BD (1)
J. Torres:
         - Degrassi: Extra Credit #4
         - Rocketship Rodents
         - Tina's reviews: Revenge is Sweet
Robert Triptow:
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - Naughty Bits #40: 'Matrimony, Teddy Bear Style'
         - The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2
Chas Truog:
         - Chiaroscuro: the Private Lives of Leonardo da Vinci
Dennis Tucker:
         - Tales from Birdbun Theatre
Mia V:
         - Tina's reviews: Revenge is Sweet
         - Boy Trouble
         - Dangerous
         - Meatmen
         - Yuri Monogatari
         - 2 Books on Pre-Stonewall gay art
         - Codename: Knockout
         - Dirty Little Drawings
         - Gay Art
         - Gay Erotic Art in Japan Vol. 1-2
         - Genus Male #3
         - Prism Comics 2008
Mike Vega:
         - Genus Male
Ivan Velez:
         - Juicy Mother
         - Juicy Mother 2: How They Met
         - Tales of the closet volume 1
Maurice Vellekoop:
         - Mind Riot: 'Out at the movies'
         - A Nut at the Opera
         - Maurice Vellekoop's Pin-Ups
         - Maurice Vellekoop's Greek Love prints
José Villarrubia:
         - Promethea #7
         - The Mirror of Love
Steven Walters:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Elizabeth Watasin:
         - Charm School
Andi Watson:
         - Paris
Christina Weir:
         - Maria's Wedding
         - Past Lies
         - Rocketship Rodents
Judd Winick:
         - Pedro and Me
Rick Withers:
         - Queerbait
David Wojnarowicz:
         - Seven Miles a Second
Mia Wolff:
         - Bread & Wine
Rick Worley:
         - A Waste of Time
Ebine Yamaji:
         - Fan translations of Ebine Yamaji's yuri mangas
Enzo Ybarra:
         - Turnover
Steve Yeowell:
         - Devlin Waugh: Red Tide
Shino Yutsomoto:
         - The Golden Vine
Roger Zanni:
         - Young Bottoms in Love
Howard Zimmerman:
         - Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather
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