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So Super Duper #2
Pride High #4
A new Dale Lazarov strip



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Entries for September 2007:
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
Review update
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So Super Duper #2

Author(s): Brian Andersen.

the girlsAfter the introductory issueSo Super Duper is back for an action-packed chapter, as Psyche and his teammates face two villains determined to put their hands on Captain Idol (and not in the way we'd like to...).
Against physical strength, Psyche isn't much good, and his dislike of Halo, a strong-arm female colleague, is rather mutual. Brian Andersen writes some more scenes full of his light humor, and shows once more that Captain Idol doesn't seem to mind to have an obvious the  gay guy (except to the guy himself) on his team...or in his arms (no, that's not what you think). At this point, you have to wonder what the good captain sees in Psyche. A worthy colleague, or maybe something more?
We also get to meet two new team members, a male hot head and Fly-Girl, who commands winds and seems to like Psyche for who he is. The team dynamics are fun, and I hope Andersen will develop them.
There's a preview of this issue at the author's site, and you can buy the comic at Indy Planet. You can also read Brian Andersen's fun interview by Tony Smith, writer of Queerbait.

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Review update
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Pride High #4

Author(s): Tommy Roddy, Brian Ponce.

The fourth issue of Pride High, published this summer, has a lot to offer: another tournament fight involving Pride High and its newest member, showing that the gay/straight alliance has a lot of work to do before they're a team again, the continuing mystery surrounding Mindsweeper's death, and nice dialogue pieces fleshing out some more characters (I must admit I'm a bit overwhelmed by the number of characters in this series, especially all the ones who only appear briefly).
As much as the use of homophobic slurs during the tournament felt a bit predictable to me (and poor Kid Mischief would deserve a break, after all he's been through following the death of his boyfriend), they did lead to an interesting scene later in the issue, which is the proof writer Tommy Roddy has a clear idea of who his characters are and how they behave. The issue seems to mark Brian Ponce's last effort on art, and it's a pity, since it was becoming more solid, but if the preview of the next issue, included here, is anything to go by, his replacement by the team of Shaun Piela and Lynx Delirium shouldn't be a disappointment for the readers, far from it.
Also included in this issue is a short story showcasing a weapon-wielding nun and a mysterious orphan. Nice art, for what seems to be a teaser for a larger story.
This issue can be bought as a pdf from the publisher (you'll find a preview there, too) or in print from the Prism site.

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Saturday, September 01, 2007
Various news
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A new Dale Lazarov strip

a panelDale Lazarov, the writer of the excellent Sticky, has launched a new strip online, with artist Delic Van Loond. Fancy is a collection of wordless stories set in a fantasy world, available on the AdultWebComics site.
Judging from the 3 pages already online, this is going to look very good.

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