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"Rage may be one of the only things that connect me to you, to our preinvented world." David Wojnarowicz, Seven Miles a Second.
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On this page:

Even more men! Even less clothes!
Chelsea Boys
Adam & Andy
Upcoming: Vacation In Ibiza
Can't keep him down
It's raining men!
Clothing (very) optional
More men! Less clothes!



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Entries for October 2003:
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Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Even more men! Even less clothes!

by Leinil Francis YuHere's something else to warm the winter nights. 12 new scans at once, including a mini Wolverine festival! You can't say I don't spoil you.
As usual, most come from my partner in crime, with the latest two from me. Have fun.

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Saturday, October 25, 2003

Chelsea Boys

CoverI can't even believe it myself! Here's another review, rather soon after the previous one. Well, okay, I'm on vacation, but anyway... You shouldn't think it's going to become an habit.
So, Glen Hanson and Allan Neuwirth's Chelsea Boys is another good strip, whose first collection sports a fine introduction by Howard Cruse. Between my review and Howard's recommendation, how could you not buy this book?
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Sunday, October 19, 2003

Adam & Andy

CoverWell, somebody threatened to cut off my supply of drawn flesh (you know who you are, Xavier) if I didn't finish this review, so here it is.
I hope you'll all understand that I'd love to write those reviews more often, but I need a certain state of mind to do it, and it's not always easy to get to it.
Anyway, James Asal's Adam & Andy is a charming strip which deserves a bigger audience, and it's great that there's a printed collection at last.

Coming up next: Chelsea Boys. Very, very different from James Asal's work.

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Friday, October 17, 2003

Upcoming: Vacation In Ibiza

CoverAfter publishing for some years the openly gay P. Craig Russell's works - and publishing the totally queer How Loathsome (more about that mini-series when I've read the last issue), NBM will propose in November a gay graphic novel in their Eurotica collection.
Vacation in Ibiza is written by book writer Lawrence Schimel and Catalan artist Sebas, about whom I know absolutely nothing. It's about two friends vacationing in, well, Ibiza, one sleeping with every guy he can, the other beginning a relationship, and the two finding themselves envious of the other's life.
We'll have to read it to see whether there's any depth to that album, but NBM can already be commended for publishing very varied gay/queer comics.

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Thursday, October 16, 2003

Can't keep him down

by Sandu FloreaAnnnnd... here are 3 new images from the Marquis de Scans (the Infantino picture is from me).

I swear I'm working on a new review, but I'm too busy right now to finish it.

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Thursday, October 09, 2003

It's raining men!

by Sam KeithOkay, I should be ashamed to use that title.
But it seems my pimp in unclothed men is spending his time scanning his Marvel comics for, hm, interesting pictures. Here are four more.
Thanks be to him.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2003

Clothing (very) optional

by Chris RenaudI think I have unleashed a monster.
My gallery is quickly becoming the "Male Body in Xavier Lancel's comic books" art gallery. But I guess you won't complain.
Five more today!

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Sunday, October 05, 2003

More men! Less clothes!

By John BoltonAnd here are five more images in the gallery, all from my dealer in undressed characters, Xavier Lancel, except the Paul Cuvelier image which is from my own stash.

I hope that will help you end the week-end on a pleasant note.

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