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The Desert Peach #32, and free peaches



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Entries for March 2006:
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Saturday, March 04, 2006
Various news
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The Desert Peach #32, and free peaches

coverDonna Barr is very busy. After last month's announcement of the b&w version of the Desert Peach #31, here comes news of the next, all-new issue #32:
" "Keeper" takes place long after the Desert Peach is dead.  Or, more correctly 'dead -- short for "Afterdead."  After several self-inflicted millenia in Hell, Pfirsich Rommel discovers that his new afterlife is other people's everyday life.  But did it have to be in an updated version of the Third Reich?  A narrow reading of caste classification -- as a cyborg -- at the citizen registration bureau makes it necessary for him to be placed in the control of a Keeper, a tiny horse-headed man whom Pfirsich describes as "Udo with no shame."
  The little guy, nicknamed "Ham," keeps telling Pfirsich that nobody cares if he's gay, but as the book progresses, everybody keeps asking, mostly to find out if he's available.  Most salvaged cyborgs -- also called "Keepers" -- aren't as cute as this one.  The Peach discovers, much to his despair, that he's a Nazi-party member, because otherwise he wouldn't have been able to get a cell-phone account.
  A future issue will introduce the man for Pfirsich.  In this life Pfirsich gets to be the carefree one, mostly because his new love is so damaged and needs a lot of care and attention.   The afterlife doesn't promise to be any easier, if less lethal.  And there's always bubble tea."
This issue will be available in June at the site.

Add. March 4: Donna Barr has put two Desert Peach books online for free. First is issue #25, a very weird and very symbols-laden story. Then there's Peach Slices, a collection of short stories, a good part of which show Pfirsich and his lover Rosen's relationship. Very gay, very hot. Very recommended, especially since both books are out-of-print right now.

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