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"In general, I think chubby guys are sexy. There's more of them to hug!" Andrew French, Circles.
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Entries for January 2003:
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Saturday, January 25, 2003

I hadn't written anything about erotic/porn gay comics yet, so I tried to make up for it by writing a page dedicated to those comics which are often (but not always) light on story and heavy on sex.
Obviously, I'm not trying to be exhaustive, but I can't say I feel like buying a copy of each and every porn comic ever published just to write a few words about them. So, for now, you'll find a few comics I've enjoyed. Considering how varied sexual tastes are, you probably won't enjoy all of them. But they are different enough from each other to offer something to most people. Or so I hope.
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Wednesday, January 01, 2003

An unusual (but aren't they all?) queer comic has now been reviewed for your reading pleasure. T-Gina is the child of transgender artist Gina Kamentsky, and, well, it's good. Have a look at my review and read the online strips. That should be enough to convince you.
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