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Information on gay-themed comics and gay creators:
The Gay League, with the Gay League Forum. | Prism Comics, the site of the organization working for the promotion of LGBT comics and artists, with bios and references of queer creators. They also have a lot of webcomics. | HOMni, a huge (and I mean, huge) list of links to gay comics, cartoons, artists... | Articles: Pop Image has asked some questions to 16 gay and lesbian creators. It's really informative; Sequential Tart has two articles about gay superheroes (or the lack thereof), as well as the two-part transcription of the 2002 San Diego Comic-Con Gay Comics panel. |
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Gay-themed comics on paper and their authors:
Elizabeth Watasin's site, creator of Charm School. You'll also find some of her older work online. | Howard Cruse, author of
Wendel All Together and Stuck Rubber Baby, has
a blog. | Tim Barela, creator of Leonard & Larry. | Donna Barr, of the infamous The Desert Peach. | Tom Bouden, who adapted Oscar Wilde's The Importance of being Earnest. | Kris Dresen, artist and writer on Max & Lily. | Tim Fish and his Cavalcade of Boys. | David Kelly, who gave us Steven's Comics. | Robert Kirby, who committed two Curbside collections. | P. Craig Russell, artist on the homo-erotic Human Remains. | Dennis Tucker, who writes and draws Birdbun Theatre. | Judd Winick, author of Pedro and Me. |
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Online gay comics:
Elan Meets Rafa. | Vexed Wisecracker. | Tripping Over you, by Suzana Harcum and Owen White. | Gaysome, by DongSaeng. | The Princess, by Christine Smith. | Girlfiend, by Michelle Gruben. | Boyfriend, by Thom Jay. | Suddenly Something Really Interesting, by Garry McLaughlin. | Rooster Tails, by Sam Orchard. | The Super-Gay Adventures of Ross Boston, by Andrew Green. | Gay Captions. | 14 Nights, by Kristina Stipetic. | Junkyard Angels, by PK Eiselt and Zach Enea. | Fabtastic, by Mickey Blumental and Sally-Anne Hickman. | Woof Woof, by Javi Cuho and Van DurĂ¡n. | Queer Haikus Comics, by Mysh. | The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, by E.K. Weaver. | MenComix. | Blur the lines, by Bob Kusiak. | Dragon Queen. | Sea of Something, by Annie Hall. | Drop it!, by Ricardo Checa. | Rick Worley's autobio comics. | Heard, by Nena Martinez. | The Brotherhood, by Tyler Dorchester. | The Gay Nerd comic, by Thomas Gonyea. | Gaylings, by Scott Frederick. | Down and Out in Montreal. | Dollar Store Caviar, by Rayne Ratliff. | Viking Zombie Boyfriend, by Jeremy Rizza. | Genaro, by
Alex Acosta and Helmer Gutierrez. | Fur-Piled. | Finn and Charlie are Hitched, by Tony Breed. | Bear With Me, by Bruin. | Out and Out. | Capitol Hillbillies, by Chris Lange. | Diary of a Catering Whore, by Sean Seamus. | Simply Sarah,
by Sarah Skye. | Pit, by Alberto Sejas. | A Coming Out Story, by Bruce Garrett. | From the Cellar, by
Chuck McKinney and a host of artists. | It's the Michaels, by
Chris DeCarlo. | Gaily
Forward. | When it rains it pours, by Christopher Miniaci. | Khaos Komic, by Tab Kimpton. | Greenlanders, by Stuart Granoff. | The Gay Monsters, by Andy Bauer. | Baroque Viceroyalty (English is not the author's native language, so don't mind his mistakes). | Space Boiz, by Sakke Myllymaki. | Boy meets Hero. | Queer! | Gay Balls of Fire. | Abel Boddy, by C. Edwards. | Scary Mary, by D. J. Steele. | Merboy, by
David Tremary. | Gary Tales, by Gary Lucia. | David Shenton's strips. | Nicholas Eliopulos' graphic
blog. | Mr Gisby's Totally Gay Pet
Shop, by Andrew Georgiou. | Anti Social Behaviour, a comic by Tom Wolfe. | Troy, an ongoing strip by Michael Derry. | Top to Bottom, by "Renita Jenkins". | Gun Street Girl, by Barbara Lien-Cooper and Ryan Howe ( ). | Harvey the gay android, by Andreas. | Carpe Diem. | Liliane, Bi-Dyke, an autobiographical strip by Leanne Franson. | Becoming Blizzard, a bear-filled strip by Rondall Carson and Michael West. | Bill Roundy's online journal. | Spoiled Boy, a strip by Nick Alder & Dana Lee. | Various strips by Sergio Toy & Klaus Novais. | Jaymes Blonde, a highly camp spy strip by RW Cabell. | Imitation of Life, an online drawn diary. | Matt Fagan's Love strips. | 52 Timil Deeps, a strip by Steve Whitmire. | Straight Ahead, by Neil Murphy. A funny ongoing strip about a closet case. | Jason Brown's site, illustrations and short queer comics. | Craig Bostick's site, with short queer comics online. | Closet Coon, an
engaging strip about, well, a coon in the closet. | T-Gina, the home of transgender cartoonist Gina Kamentsky. | The delightful anthology of short comics by various artists is at the PopImage site. | Short comics for the thinking reader can be found on Steve MacIsaac's site. | Robert Kirby's Curbside can be read twice monthly on the Lavender
Magazine site. A Yahoo group about Curbside has also been launched. | Justin Hall posts on his site the silly and funny adventures of Glamazonia, The Uncanny Super Tranny. | Jane's World( ), a very well drawn ongoing strip/comic by Paige Braddock about a group of (mostly) lesbian friends, lovers, ex-lovers... and various other aliens and dogs. | Adam & Andy( ), another good ongoing weekly strip by James Asal. Read an interview with James Asal here. | Studio NDR, various strips by Dylan Edwards. The ones about a gay Republican couple are very funny (a collection has been published). | by Tim Fish, slice of life stories. Online comics and paper comics for sale. | Man & Droid, a gay action series. | Dave Brousseau's A Couple of Guys. And there's the official site. | Bitter Girl, strips by Joan Hilty (and here's the official site). | Buster Wilde. Straight guy by day, queer-wolf by night. A very funny strip. The site hasn't been updated in quite some time, but it's still worth a visit. | Chelsea Boys. | Howard Cruse's site is full of comics and illustrations. | Alison Bechdel's Dykes to Watch out For's official site. | Kyle's Bed
and Breakfast ( )
by Greg Fox. Read an interview with Greg Fox here. | Ragnar Brynjulfsson's site offers online or pdf comics - some with a gay theme ( ) - and short animated films. | David Kelly, creator of the delightful Steven's Comics, has a a nice website, with lots of illustrations, a few short comics, and the follow-up to Steven's Comics. | |
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