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Information on gay-themed comics and gay creators:

The Gay League, with the Gay League Forum. Prism Comics, the site of the organization working for the promotion of LGBT comics and artists, with bios and references of queer creators.
They also have a lot of webcomics.
HOMni, a huge (and I mean, huge) list of links to gay comics, cartoons, artists... Articles: Pop Image has asked some questions to 16 gay and lesbian creators. It's really informative; Sequential Tart has two articles about gay superheroes (or the lack thereof), as well as the two-part transcription of the 2002 San Diego Comic-Con Gay Comics panel.
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Gay-themed comics on paper and their authors:

Elizabeth Watasin's site, creator of Charm School. You'll also find some of her older work online. Howard Cruse, author of Wendel All Together and Stuck Rubber Baby, has a blog.
Tim Barela, creator of Leonard & Larry. Donna Barr, of the infamous The Desert Peach.
Tom Bouden, who adapted Oscar Wilde's The Importance of being Earnest. Kris Dresen, artist and writer on Max & Lily.
Tim Fish and his Cavalcade of Boys. David Kelly, who gave us Steven's Comics.
Robert Kirby, who committed two Curbside collections. P. Craig Russell, artist on the homo-erotic Human Remains.
Dennis Tucker, who writes and draws Birdbun Theatre. Judd Winick, author of Pedro and Me.
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Online gay comics:

Elan Meets Rafa. Vexed Wisecracker.
Tripping Over you, by Suzana Harcum and Owen White. Gaysome, by DongSaeng.
The Princess, by Christine Smith. Girlfiend, by Michelle Gruben.
Boyfriend, by Thom Jay. Suddenly Something Really Interesting, by Garry McLaughlin.
Rooster Tails, by Sam Orchard. The Super-Gay Adventures of Ross Boston, by Andrew Green.
Gay Captions. 14 Nights, by Kristina Stipetic.
Junkyard Angels, by PK Eiselt and Zach Enea. Fabtastic, by Mickey Blumental and Sally-Anne Hickman.
Woof Woof, by Javi Cuho and Van DurĂ¡n. Queer Haikus Comics, by Mysh.
The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal, by E.K. Weaver. MenComix.
Blur the lines, by Bob Kusiak. Dragon Queen.
Sea of Something, by Annie Hall. Drop it!, by Ricardo Checa.
Rick Worley's autobio comics. Heard, by Nena Martinez.
The Brotherhood, by Tyler Dorchester. The Gay Nerd comic, by Thomas Gonyea.
Gaylings, by Scott Frederick. Down and Out in Montreal.
Dollar Store Caviar, by Rayne Ratliff. Viking Zombie Boyfriend, by  Jeremy Rizza.
Genaro, by Alex Acosta and Helmer Gutierrez. Fur-Piled.
Finn and Charlie are Hitched, by Tony Breed. Bear With Me, by Bruin.
Out and Out. Capitol Hillbillies, by Chris Lange.
Diary of a Catering Whore, by Sean Seamus. Simply Sarah, by Sarah Skye.
Pit, by Alberto Sejas. A Coming Out Story, by Bruce Garrett.
From the Cellar, by Chuck McKinney and a host of artists. It's the Michaels, by Chris DeCarlo.
Gaily Forward. When it rains it pours, by Christopher Miniaci.
Khaos Komic, by Tab Kimpton. Greenlanders, by Stuart Granoff.
The Gay Monsters, by Andy Bauer. Baroque Viceroyalty (English is not the author's native language, so don't mind his mistakes).
Space Boiz, by Sakke Myllymaki. Boy meets Hero.
Queer! Gay Balls of Fire.
Abel Boddy, by C. Edwards. Scary Mary, by D. J. Steele.
Merboy, by David Tremary. Gary Tales, by Gary Lucia.
David Shenton's strips. Nicholas Eliopulos' graphic blog.
Mr Gisby's Totally Gay Pet Shop, by Andrew Georgiou. Anti Social Behaviour, a comic by Tom Wolfe.
Troy, an ongoing strip by Michael Derry. Top to Bottom, by "Renita Jenkins".
Gun Street Girl, by Barbara Lien-Cooper and Ryan Howe (). Harvey the gay android, by Andreas.
Carpe Diem. Liliane, Bi-Dyke, an autobiographical strip by Leanne Franson.
Becoming Blizzard, a bear-filled strip by Rondall Carson and Michael West. Bill Roundy's online journal.
Spoiled Boy, a strip by Nick Alder & Dana Lee. Various strips by Sergio Toy & Klaus Novais.
Jaymes Blonde, a highly camp spy strip by RW Cabell. Imitation of Life, an online drawn diary.
Matt Fagan's Love strips. 52 Timil Deeps, a strip by Steve Whitmire.
Straight Ahead, by Neil Murphy. A funny ongoing strip about a closet case. Jason Brown's site, illustrations and short queer comics.
Craig Bostick's site, with short queer comics online. Closet Coon, an engaging strip about, well, a coon in the closet.
T-Gina, the home of transgender cartoonist Gina Kamentsky. The delightful anthology of short comics by various artists is at the PopImage site.
Short comics for the thinking reader can be found on Steve MacIsaac's site. Robert Kirby's Curbside can be read twice monthly on the Lavender Magazine site.
A Yahoo group about Curbside has also been launched.
Justin Hall posts on his site the silly and funny adventures of Glamazonia, The Uncanny Super Tranny. Jane's World(), a very well drawn ongoing strip/comic by Paige Braddock about a group of (mostly) lesbian friends, lovers, ex-lovers... and various other aliens and dogs.
Adam & Andy(), another good ongoing weekly strip by James Asal.
Read an interview with James Asal here.
Studio NDR, various strips by Dylan Edwards. The ones about a gay Republican couple are very funny (a collection has been published).
by Tim Fish, slice of life stories. Online comics and paper comics for sale. Man & Droid, a gay action series.
Dave Brousseau's A Couple of Guys. And there's the official site. Bitter Girl, strips by Joan Hilty (and here's the official site).
Buster Wilde. Straight guy by day, queer-wolf by night. A very funny strip. The site hasn't been updated in quite some time, but it's still worth a visit. Chelsea Boys.
Howard Cruse's site is full of comics and illustrations. Alison Bechdel's Dykes to Watch out For's official site.
Kyle's Bed and Breakfast () by Greg Fox.
Read an interview with Greg Fox here.
Ragnar Brynjulfsson's site offers online or pdf comics - some with a gay theme () - and short animated films.
David Kelly, creator of the delightful Steven's Comics, has a a nice website, with lots of illustrations, a few short comics, and the follow-up to Steven's Comics.  
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