Posts tagged ‘aids’

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Review: Second Avenue Caper

Artist(s): Joyce Brabner, Mark Zingarelli.

A documentary about the early days of the AIDS epidemic.

Review: From Headrack to Claude

Artist(s): Howard Cruse.

A collection of Howard Cruse’s gay-themed strips.

Review: Homo Patrol

Artist(s): Ken Roberts, Tom Roberts.

A dystopia story that’s too close for comfort.

Review: Turnover

Artist(s): Allan Neuwirth, Colter Jacobsen, Drub, Enzo Ybarra, Gary Gregerson, Glen Hanson, Jason Guillermo Luz, Patrick "Pato" Hebert, Steve MacIsaac, Victor E. Hodge.

A collection of AIDS-themed comics.

Review: Within Our Reach: ‘Home for Christmas’

Artist(s): Eric Shanower.

A moving short story about PWA.

Review: Wendel All Together

Artist(s): Howard Cruse.

The collection of Cruse’s strips about everyday gay life.

Review: Pedro and Me

Artist(s): Judd Winick.

The story of the friendship between the author and HIV-positive Pedro Zamora.

Review: Seven Miles a Second

Artist(s): David Wojnarowicz, James Romberger.

The illustrated journal of David Wojnarowicz’s life.