Review: Shoot Your Slut #1

Artist(s): Piepke.

Here’s a rather unusual project, far removed from mainstream gay publications: Shoot Your Slut #1 is a small-sized magazine dedicated to “the wonderful world of Blitz Kids, Club Kids and Freak Chics”, in the words of Belgian creator Piepke.
I must admit I know nothing about that scene, even though I recognized a few references here and there, such as a quote from Karl Lagerfeld or Quentin Crisp in the role of a fairy. In the course of 36 pages, the people involved, invited by Piepke for their work, presence and/or fabulousness, give us various texts which open a window on their colorful, gender-bending world, all illustrated by the Belgian artist in a style that reminded me of a Junko Mizuno who’d be into genderfuck and glam. And I mean that as a compliment.
Three more issues of Shoot Your Slut will be published, the second one right this month. I want to add that the production values are really good, with a thick, glossy paper, varied page composition, and a general feel that seems to me something like the queering of a fashion magazine (which again I mean as a compliment). You can find this magazine at Piepke’s website, as well as samples.

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