Review: So Super Duper #6

Artist(s): Brian Andersen, Jon Macy, Tony Smith.

The sixth issue of Brian Andersen’s So Super Duper continues to reveal secrets of Captain Idol’s past, while putting spokes in the wheel of Psyche and Comet’s hardly budding romance. Psyche is still torn between having acknowledged to himself that he’s gay and denying it to everybody else at the slightest opportunity. Which doesn’t make it easy for Comet to ask him on a date…The drama also keeps up with the funeral of the dead team-mate, where Psyche is accused of being the cause of the death. Tears ensue. Comet must be getting blue balls by now (which would suit his violet costume).
We also get a fun back-up by Tony Smith and Jon Macy, where Psyche and his girl friend Skip are having a nice picnic, only to be attacked by a homophobic crossing between Wonder Woman and Captain Nazi (also sporting a Soviet-like sickle, which I guess shows she’s really confused). It feels weird to see the characters drawn in a slightly more realistic style, but it works well.
You can buy this comic from the Indy Planet site or Prism Comics, and the author’s site is here (with previews of the issues).

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