The sixth issue of The Cavalcade of Boys is as good as the previous ones, and this time, we learn a bit more about the relationships between three teenage guys who share a house – we met them in issue #3. Shown until now as being rather innocent and romantic, they now get into one of those triangles which seem to have been invented by gay people, where their search for love and their appreciation of sex for sex’s sake seem mutually compatible.
In another part of this issue, we finally get to know what happened between Tighe (from issue #1, and even before) and his previous boyfriend Mitch, the “perfect ex”. It’s a rather on-target description of how, sometimes, it doesn’t take anything really serious for love to take a wrong turn. And then, there is the excellent spare sprinkling of deliciously cheesy dialogue like “Sometimes, love is not
enough“. Classic Tim Fish, if that means anything.
These comics are self-published.
UP. 06/2010: these comics are out-of-print, but a collection of Cavalcade of Boys is available, for example at Amazon.