Review: So Super Duper #5

Artist(s): Brian Andersen.

So Super Duper, Brian Andersen’s sweet tale of a cute, oh-so obviously gay (but self-closeted), largely ineffective super-hero, gets a fifth issue, and it’s full of character development.
Psyche gets saved, gets gay panic, gets kissed (by whom, I won’t tell)…and gets it together, unexpectedly. Psyche’s blindness toward his own buried feelings has been infuriating in previous issues–if rather funny, of course, especially coming from someone who’s an empath–but Andersen puts that particular plot to rest, opening up his story for even more comedy, with potential boyfriend Comet being led to believe Psyche isn’t interested in him. Misunderstandings and thwarted love, here we come!
Something else I enjoy more and more with this comic: the body language of the characters, very effective at conveying emotions, and the expressive faces, where a little line for the mouth and two large, moving eyes do a lot for character identification (but then, the manga authors have known that a for a long time).
Will Psyche and Comet find true love? Will we learn the secret behind the mysterious powered woman who almost snuffed the title character’s candle? I can’t wait to know.
You can buy this comic from the Indy Planet site or Prism Comics, and the author’s site is here (with previews of the issues).

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