
Reviews in the category "humor":
Page reviews:
- A Waste of Time, by Rick Worley.
- Adam & Andy, by James Asal.
- Adventures of a Joe Boy, by Joe Phillips.
- Boy Trouble, by Robert Kirby, Andy Hartzell, David Kelly, Leanne Franson, Michael Fahy & Various artists.
- Bull's Balls, by Ralf König.
- Chelsea Boys, by Glen Hanson & Allan Neuwirth.
- From Headrack to Claude, by Howard Cruse.
- Get Her!, by David Shenton.
- Heartthrobs #1: 'Genes and a T-shirt', by Robert Rodi & Phil Jimenez.
- Juicy Mother, by Diane DiMassa, Robert Kirby, Ariel Schrag, Alison Bechdel, Howard Cruse, Leanne Franson, Michael Fahy, Jennifer Camper, Joan Hilty, Robert Triptow & Ivan Velez.
- Juicy Mother 2: How They Met, by Alison Bechdel, Jennifer Camper, Howard Cruse, Diane DiMassa, Michael Fahy, Leanne Franson, Justin Hall, Joan Hilty, Victor E. Hodge, David Kelly, Robert Kirby, Lawrence Schimel, Ariel Schrag, Robert Triptow, Ivan Velez.
- Just So You Know, by Joey Alison Sayers.
- Kyle's Bed & Breakfast, by Greg Fox.
- Leonard & Larry, by Tim Barela.
- Max & Lily, by Kris Dresen.
- Max & Sven, by Tom Bouden.
- Meatmen, by Various artists.
- Micki: Sighs in the Desert, by Jörg Meyer-Bothling.
- Moochowski, by Lindsay Pollock & Tom Brass.
- Naughty Bits #40: 'Matrimony, Teddy Bear Style', by Robert Triptow.
- Politically InQueerect, by Dylan Edwards.
- Prime Cuts, by Howard Stangroom & Stephen Lowther.
- Queerville, by Tom Bouden.
- Roy & Al, by Ralf König.
- Rude Girls and Dangerous Women, by Jennifer Camper.
- Runx Tales #1, by Matt Runkle.
- So Super Duper, by Brian Andersen.
- subGURLZ, by Jennifer Camper.
- T-Gina, by Gina Kamentsky.
- Tales from Birdbun Theatre, by Dennis Tucker.
- The Book of Boy Trouble Volume 2, by Howard Cruse, Robert Kirby, Victor E. Hodge, Dave Ortega, David Kelly, Jon Macy, Andy Hartzell, Ed Luce, Bill Roundy, Abby Denson, Tim Fish, Sina Shamsavari, Michael Fahy, Justin Hall, Craig Bostick, Brett Hopkins, Jennifer Camper, Nick Leonard, Steve MacIsaac, Robert Triptow.
- The Cavalcade of Boys, by Tim Fish.
- The Desert Peach, by Donna Barr.
- The Importance of being Earnest, by Tom Bouden.
- The Killer Condom, by Ralf König.
- Troy From 1 to 100, by Michael Derry.
- Trust/Truth, by Tim Fish.
- Turnover, by Gary Gregerson, Colter Jacobsen, Steve MacIsaac, Glen Hanson, Allan Neuwirth, Patrick "Pato" Hebert, Victor E. Hodge, Enzo Ybarra, Drub, Jason Guillermo Luz.
- Wendel All Together, by Howard Cruse.
- Young Bottoms in Love, by Theo Bain, Craig Bostick, Paige Braddock, Howard Cruse, Kyle Cummings, Decker, Lynx Delirium, Adam DeKracker, Abby Denson, Michael DiMotta, Tim Fish, Monica Gallagher, Jim Gladstone, Phil Good, Ariel Guzman, Justin Hall, Brett Hopkins, Nate and Mike K, David Kelly, Randall Kirby, Robert Kirby, Jeff Krell, Jay Laird, Jack Lawrence, Adam Leveille, Gregory Lockard, Fabián Álvarez López, Ted Manning, Rachel Millar, Noel Miciano, Frank Muse, Dave Ortega, François Peneaud, Bill Roundy, Tim Piotrowski, Dave Roman, Richard Ruane, Stephen Sadowski, Martin Schneebalg, Melody Nadia Shickley, Andy Swist, Jen Van Meter, Steven Walters, Roger Zanni.
- Young Bottoms in Love: My Gay Romance, by Tim Fish.
- Young Bottoms in Love: Uppers & Downers, by Tim Fish, Jay Laird, Decker & Jim Gladstone.
Blog Reviews:
- A Nut at the Opera, by Maurice Vellekoop.
- Boy Trouble #5, by Robert Kirby, David Kelly, Andy Hartzell, Michael Fahy, Tony Arena, Jennifer Camper, Leanne Franson, Craig Bostick.
- Codename: Knockout, by Robert Rodi & Various artists.
- Gus and Waldo, by Massimo Fenati.
- Heroes Anonymous #2, by Scott M. Gimple, Bill Morrison & Pia Guerra.
- Jane's World, by Page Braddock.
- Micki: Prisoners of Passion, by Jörg Meyer-Bothling.
- Rawhide Kid: Slap Leather, by Howard Zimmerman & John Severin.
- So Super Duper #8, by Brian Andersen, Jon Macy.
- So Super Duper #9, by Brian Andersen, Celina Hernandez.
- Stanley and the mask of mystery, by David Shenton.
- The Book of Boy Trouble, by Robert Kirby, David Kelly, Michael Fahy, Craig Bostick, Tony Arena, Jaime Cortez, Justin Hall, Andy Hartzell, Brett Hopkins, Sina, Steve MacIsaac.
- French gay BD (1), by Hugues Barthe, Copi, Cunéo, Annie Goetzinger, Jean-Paul Jennequin, Fabrice Neaud & Tito.
- French gay BD (3): Hugues Barthe, by Hugues Barthe.