Posts about Brian Andersen

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So Super Duper goes digital

Brian Andersen’s gay superhero comic can now be read online.

Review: So Super Duper #6

Artist(s): Brian Andersen, Jon Macy, Tony Smith.

Sixth issue of the delicious superhero series.

Review: So Super Duper #5

Artist(s): Brian Andersen.

Fifth issue of the closet case superhero’s tribulations.

Review: So Super Duper #4

Artist(s): Brian Andersen.

Fourth issue of Brian Andersen’s humorous take on superheroes.

Review: So Super Duper #3

Artist(s): Brian Andersen.

Third issue of Psyche’s superhero days.

Review: So Super Duper #2

Artist(s): Brian Andersen.

Second issue of the flamin’ superhero adventures.

Review: So Super Duper #1

Artist(s): Brian Andersen.

First issue of a very queer superhero comic.