Posts about PK Eiselt

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Review: Junkyard Angels #1

Artist(s): PK Eiselt, Zachary Enea.

A comic where boys in love find themselves right in the middle of a techno-plague.

Review: Junkyard Angels #2

Artist(s): PK Eiselt, Zachary Enea.

Where more techno zombies roam the streets and we discover how our two boys in love met.

Review: Junkyard Angels #3

Artist(s): Brian Andersen, PK Eiselt, Zachary Enea.

An unexpected crossover between two gay indie comics.

Review: Love Minus Zero and other stories

Artist(s): Abraham Lee, C.J. Franks, J.T. Tepnapa, PK Eiselt.

An anthology from the writer of Junkyard Angels.