Archive for the month of December 2010

(Title & post excerpt)
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Review: Captain Stupendous

Artist(s): Chris Jones, Zack Weiner.

A gay-inclusive, pointed satire of superheroes.

Review: Doubt is reassuring

Artist(s): Abi Higgs.

A cool mini-comic about a questioning young woman.

Review: Khaos Komix Vol. 1

Artist(s): Tab Kimpton.

The first collection of a webcomic focusing on queer youth.

Review: So Super Duper #11

Artist(s): Brian Andersen, Celina Hernandez.

The penultimate issue of the series, with a big twist at the end.

Review: Spandex #3

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

Another issue of the all-queer superhero team, as they face an overwhelming threat.

Review: The Lengths #1, and other comics

Artist(s): Howard Hardiman.

A realistic comic about hustlers, drawn with anthropomorphised animals.