Posts about Martin Eden

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Review: Spandex Special #1

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

The last Spandex comic, and it’s lots of fun.

Review: Spandex #7

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

The last issue of the regular series.

Review: Spandex #6

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

The roller-coaster that is Spandex keeps moving on.

Review: Spandex #5

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

We learn about the origins of the team leader, and there’s an incredible reveal at the end.

Review: Spandex #4

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

Where our queer heroes meet some dangerous women.

Review: Spandex #3

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

Another issue of the all-queer superhero team, as they face an overwhelming threat.

Review: Spandex #2

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

The second issue of Martin Eden’s all-queer superhero comic.

Review: Spandex #1

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

An all-queer superhero comic.