Posts about books published in 2002

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Review: Bull’s Balls

Artist(s): Ralf König.

Discover why Ralf König is considered as one of the best (gay) cartoonists in Europe.

Review: Out/Lines & Lust Unearthed

Artist(s): Various.

Two impressive collection of gay art from before Stonewall.

Review: Clive Barker’s Tapping The Vein

Artist(s): Bo Hampton, Clive Barker, John Bolton, P. Craig Russell.

A collection of adaptations of Clive Barker’s homoerotic horror stories.

Review: The Cavalcade of Boys #1-4

Artist(s): Tim Fish.

The first four issues of the series chronicling the life of young, gay guys in the city.

Review: Curbside Boys

Artist(s): Robert Kirby.

The second collection of the Curbside strips.

Review: True Travel Tales #1

Artist(s): Justin Hall.

The short, true story of an encounter in Egypt.

Review: T-Gina #1

Artist(s): Gina Kamentsky.

Autobio strips by a transgender cartoonist.

Review: A Sacred Text

Artist(s): Justin Hall.

An unusual tale set in a religious community in the Antiquity.

Review: Codename: Knockout

Artist(s): Robert Rodi, Various.

A fun spy story with a gay side-kick.