Archive for the month of February 2012

(Title & post excerpt)
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Review: Spandex #6

Artist(s): Martin Eden.

The roller-coaster that is Spandex keeps moving on.

Review: Quaintance

Artist(s): George Quaintance.

An impressive monograph on the 40s and 50s gay artist.

Review: Kevin Keller

Artist(s): Dan Parent.

The first openly gay character in the mom-and-apple-pie world of Archie Comics.

Review: A Waste of Time

Artist(s): Rick Worley.

A collection of an autobiographical webcomic. With a rabbit.

Review: The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ And Amal Volume 1

Artist(s): E.K. Weaver.

The first collection of a road trip/budding romance webcomic.